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Alinea Customs provide a guide to plant health controls and exports

When exporting plants and plant products, traders are advised to check whether a Phytosanitary Certificate is required by contacting the Plant Health Authority or Plant Health Inspector in the relevant country.

Exporters will be required to:

  • Submit a pre-notification via Traces NT to access a CHED-P- usually arranged in the EU member state by the importer
  • Enter through an appropriate BCP.

This includes the exports of some controlled plants and plant products such as apples, lettuce and all solanaceous fruits such as aubergines and tomatoes that will be subject to these controls as well as a Phytosanitary Certificate.

Visit Food and Agriculture of the United Nations to obtain a list of participating authorities. There is significant information online regarding the risks of plant disease such as Xylella when importing from abroad, watch the video: Xyella- How Can We Protect Our Plants

To access a Phytosanitary Certificate when exporting:

  • Plants, including fruit, vegetables and dried flowers
  • Plant products
  • Seeds
  • Potatoes
  • Bulbs
  • Grain
  • Machinery
  •  Wood and wood products

The goods must be inspected. Traders in England and Wales may apply through Defra’s eDomero

Traders in Scotland may apply through: SASA

Traders in Northern Ireland may apply though DAERA

Visit Food and Agriculture of the United Nations to obtain a list of participating authorities. There is significant information online regarding the risks of plant disease such as Xylella when importing from abroad, watch the video: Xyella- How Can We Protect Our Plants

To access a Phytosanitary Certificate when exporting:

  • Plants, including fruit, vegetables and dried flowers
  • Plant products
  • Seeds
  • Potatoes
  • Bulbs
  • Grain
  • Machinery
  •  Wood and wood products

The goods must be inspected. Traders in England and Wales may apply through Defra’s eDomero

Traders in Scotland may apply through: SASA

Traders in Northern Ireland may apply though DAERA

UK Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing Guide
A guide to customs valuation and transfer pricing
UK Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing Guide

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